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Annual Science Review 2015-2016

whose rapid growth affects the way we live, the resources we depend on, and our environment. The ground cities stand on plays a key role in how they develop and function, yet its importance is under-appreciated and often overlooked by urban decision makers. To address this knowledge gap, we are leading SUB-URBAN (TU1206), a European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action with partners from 30 countries, major cities and geological survey organisations across Europe. Now in its latter stages, SUB-URBAN has drawn together experts in urban subsurface (geoscience) knowledge and those who can most benefit from it, namely urban planners, policy makers and practitioners. National exemplars of interactive and predictive subsurface city-scale models (3D, 4D) such as Oslo, Rotterdam, Glasgow and Bucharest, and a toolbox of existing good-practice methodologies and guidance, are nearing completion. Urban geological knowledge is also being translated into forms directly relevant to urban planning, for example for infrastructure, sustainable drainage and heat extraction. In the UK, for which Glasgow is the lead city, a NERC/BGS Knowledge Exchange Fellow is assisting Glasgow City Council to put subsurface knowledge into practice and develop statutory planning guidance for the subsurface, the first of its kind in the UK. GENDER FUNCTION Science 111 Non-science Shallow-water survey projects We are working with Scottish and Southern Electric (SSE) to undertake a survey along the Hunterston to Kintyre cable route. 50 The survey is using our research vessel, the White Ribbon, which is equipped with a multibeam echosounder. This allows us to locate any debris, and details Scotland 178 staff 67 128 Geomagnetic facility – Lerwick Geomagnetic facility – Eskdalemuir Offices and laboratories – East Kilbride Offices and marine geology – Lyell Centre @BGS_Scotland 12  Annual science review BGS research vessel the White Ribbon.

Annual Science Review 2015-2016
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